Vintage Crone
Price: $100.00
SKU: crone cosmos
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This art carries the unbroken thread of the “Language of the Goddess”. A language of the sacred feminine that is still embedded in many cultures, and that, regardless of gender, we know deep in our bones. These goddess figurines speak that language. |
This is one of our original crones, circa 1986. She brings forth the Universe from her lap.
All the vintage goddesses are made from the same-sized ball of clay but take on different shapes. The Crone is shorter and rounder.
Enclosed Card:
The Crone is the life-death-life aspect of the goddess. She holds and balances earth energy. Her body is a throne, and in her lap lies the mystery of all cycles: life, death, and regeneration. She remembers, and through her memories, she knows. Listen to the stories of your own experience. Out of darkness comes light.