The Mother, Moontime (Menstrual Vessel), and Crone trinity were the first of the Bell Pine Art Farm figures. The "Moon Time" goddess represents the maiden as an offering for girls in celebration of their first "moon". See also Moon Mother category.
These Three Cycle Goddesses were born out of my work in the 1980s as art editor for Calyx, a Journal of Art and Literature by Women. For several years I had the privilege of combing through art and publishing hundreds of images by women who were questioning, rediscovering, and redefining the Divine Feminine. We were rejecting negative narratives about our cyclic nature and exploring, sharing, and celebrating feminine power in order to restore balance to the planet. I am so grateful many of us are still on this path.
The Mother, Moontime (Menstrual Vessel), and Crone trinity were the first of the Bell Pine Art Farm figures. The "Moon Time" goddess represents the maiden as an offering for girls in celebration of their first "moon". See also Moon Mother category.
These Three Cycle Goddesses were born out of my work in the 1980s as art editor for Calyx, a Journal of Art and Literature by Women. For several years I had the privilege of combing through art and publishing hundreds of images by women who were questioning, rediscovering, and redefining the Divine Feminine. We were rejecting negative narratives about our cyclic nature and exploring, sharing, and celebrating feminine power in order to restore balance to the planet. I am so grateful many of us are still on this path.
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