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Spirit Bear

Spirit Bear

Price: $111.00


SKU: vintage bear

This item is currently out of stock

Made from Pacific Northwest clay, High-fired, approximately 2.5 inches tallI.

I have only made a few white bears through time. This one, embodying the "Spirit Bear", If this one is sold by the time you see it there may be more soon.

Years ago, I felt drawn to learn more about the story of the elusive White Spirit Bear living in the Central and North Coast regions of British Columbia. Sadly, I learned that while my Norwegian-Canadian ancestors navigated and fished these waters along the coast in the 19th and 20th centuries, they were, in part, responsible for overfishing and logging practices that contributed to this rare beauty's population decline.

What a blessing that "for centuries, the Kitasoo/Xai'xais First Nation, who regard the Spirit Bear as sacred, kept their existence a closely guarded secret to protect the bears’ ghostly white coats from fur traders." Because of this, it is likely my grandfathers did not encounter them.

Today, organizations like the Kitasoo/Xai’xais Stewardship Authority and Spirit Bear Foundation work to ensure their survival by preserving the lands and waters essential to their habitat. They are the rarest species of bear in the world, with an estimated population of between 100 and 500 though the exact number is unknown as of 2024. I offer this piece to raise awareness. Partial profits from this work will go to the Sprit Bear Foundation.

Enclosed Card:


White Sprit Bear

According to the KITASOO XAI'XAIS Nation: the Creator Raven made the Spirit bear to remind people to be thankful for the bountiful landscape."

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