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Moon Goddess
Menstrual Vessel

Moon Goddess
Menstrual Vessel

Price: $33.00

Free domestic shipping when your total reaches ninety dollars.

SKU: bp0005

Moontime Goddess is a reminder for women to bring awareness to their menstrual cycles, body rhythms, and the moon. The cloth is for collecting drops of menstrual blood. As the fluid wicks into her clay-body, she carries the living vibration and magnetism of your essence, place, and/or experience. A beautiful way to hold your energy, water from sacred sites, ceremonies, or daily practices. 2" tall

All Bell Pine Art Farm sculptures are individually handmade with sacred intention. Designs vary on each piece.

This is the very first goddess figurine I designed in the early 80s when I was in my 20s - now as a post menopausal woman in her 60s I include an additional description for women who are no longer bleeding or who do not have a womb. Let me know and I can use a white cotton wick rather than a red one for adding drops of moon bathed water, as we continue to track our cycles with the phases of the moon.

Enclosed Card:

Moon Goddess

The Moontime goddess is a symbol of our direct relationship with the creative force of nature. She supports tracking our body’s cycles and natural rhythms in sync with the Divine Feminine. The red cloth is for collecting menstrual blood, a sacred substance said to emit pure white light, holding the life-death-life aspects of the goddess.

Women without a menstrual cycle can benefit from noticing moon/body/water relationships as ways to stay connected and anchored in these beautifully synchronized rhythms unique to each woman.

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