Grandmother Turtle
Price: $48.00
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SKU: bp0045
The front and back of Grandmother Turtle are shown here in two separate images.
Grandmother is nestled inside a turtle shell, holding another turtle. When laid forward, the back becomes a bowl. There are thirteen sections on a turtle's back. Many cultures recognize these as a Divine Feminine symbol of the thirteen moons in our calendar year. This sculpture has twelve raised sections, with the round "bowl" section representing the thirteenth "full" moon.
A small hole in the bottom holds a wicking cloth for collecting drops of sacred water. A beautiful way to carry the water essence from any sacred site or ceremony. Leave the cloth in place. As the water wicks into her body, she holds the living vibration and magnetism of each place and experience. The wick is not pictured here. Approximately 4" tall.
Enclosed Card:
Turtle is sacred and central to the creation stories of many cultures around the world. She is a powerful symbol for the endurance and longevity of Mother Earth offering shelter and protection for all beings. Grandmother teaches no matter where we are, or what is happening we are always home. She teaches when it is safe to be open and exposed, and when to shield our tender hearts. Knowing this distinction, especially in challenging times, is vital to our wellbeing. Discerning when to retreat is never a weakness. It is wisdom.
When laid forward the shell on her back becomes a small bowl with thirteen sections representing the Divine Feminine 13 moons in our calendar year surrounded by 28 sections for the days in a moon cycle. The bowl is suitable for essential oils, sacred-water, and elixirs of all kinds and will absorb fluid if left to sit for several hours.
The hole in the bottom holds a cloth for collecting drops of sacred-water or fluid from any source. A beautiful way to carry the essence from any holy site or ceremony. As moisture wicks into her body, she holds the living vibration and magnetism of each place and experience.

Love Grandmother Turtle
Her energy is strong, she feels powerful in my hand. Beautiful artwork. I love Grandmother Turtle! Thank you for creating her. She's a powerful, magnificent being.

Nonna Tartaruga
Grazie di cuore per questa meravigliosa creazione. Arrivata questa mattina assieme all albero della Natura. Ancora prima di aprire il pacchetto, tenendolo tra le mie mani, ho sentito solo una bella energia vibrare nel mio corpo commuovendomi. Felice di portarli con me giorno dopo giorno nella continua crescita personale. Grazie
Grandmother Turtle
Heartfelt thanks for this wonderful creation. Arrived this morning together with the tree of Nature (New Growth). Even before opening the package, holding it in my hands, I felt only beautiful energy vibrating in my body, moving me. Happy to take them with me day after day in continuous personal growth. Thanks