Drummers (man and woman)

Drummers (man and woman)
Price: $42.00
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SKU: bp0028
People who love to drum will resonate with this special earthy art piece. Check our catalog for more drumming styles. approx. 2.5" tall.
Enclosed Card:
Drumming follows our heartbeat and echoes the pulse of the earth. From drums we learn about deep movement and connection. Listen to rhythms inside and out. May you always know what moves you.

El toca mis tambores.
Simplemente la adoro. Es muy significativa para mi, es un regalito para mi novio quien es percusionista y está retirado de los escenarios hace algunos años, el quiere tocar nuevamente y no encuentra el camino para seguir el llamado de los tambores. Espero que este regalito haga germinar esa semilla que late en su corazón.

Drummers- translation
I simply adore her. It is very meaningful to me, it is a little gift for my boyfriend who is a percussionist and has retired from the stage for a few years. He wants to play again and can't find the way to follow the call of the drums. I hope this little gift makes that seed that beats in your heart germinate.